ESP32-CAM Video Streaming global

 ESP32-CAM Video Streaming global

ESP32-CAM is an embedded module which can be used to stream video data by constructing a local server. The module can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. We usually access ESP32-CAM Video Streaming using the IP address through the local area network. What if you want to access your 

Accessing ESP32-CAM Web Server from anywhere

Now follow these steps to access your Video Streaming from any location.

First, you need to upload code given below to "AI ThinkerESP-32CAM" board and get the IP address and Streaming Server of ESP32-CAM

We are using ngrok service to make Video Streaming accessible from anywhere

Server for Video Streaming

Follow these steps to build a video streaming web server with the ESP32-CAM that you can access on your local network.

Step 1:

Install the ESP32 add-on

In this example, we use the Arduino IDE to program the ESP32-CAM board. So, you need to have Arduino IDE installed as well as the ESP32 add-on. Follow one of the next tutorials to install the ESP32 add-on, if you haven’t already.

Step 2:

Video Streaming Code

The relevant instructions in a nutshell.

In your Arduino IDE, go to File > Examples > ESP32 > Camera and open the CameraWebServer example.

Before uploading the code, you need to insert your network credentials in the following variables:

const char* ssid = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID";

const char* password = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD";

Comment all the camera model fines and uncomment the following line

Now, the code is ready to be uploaded to your ESP32

Step 3:

Upload the code to the ESP32 CAM

To upload the code, follow the next steps:

Important: GPIO 0 needs to be connected to GND so that you’re able to upload code.
To upload the code, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to Tools > Board and select ESP32 Wrover Module
  2. Go to Tools > Port and select the COM port the ESP32 is connected to
  3. In Tools > Partition Scheme, select “Huge APP (3MB No OTA)“
  4. Press the ESP32-CAM on-board RESET button
  5. Then, click the upload button to upload the code

Step 4:

Getting the IP address

After uploading the code, disconnect GPIO 0 from GND.

Open the Serial Monitor at a baud rate of 115200. Press the ESP32-CAM on-board Reset button.

The ESP32 IP address should be printed in the Serial Monitor.


                                                 1. Uploading camera server code to esp32 cam

2.Camera IP address open url link

4. Ngrok to make the IP address global 

                                              5. Put Ngrok link to to access it globally

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