mlx and esp32


MLX90614 Sensor:

The MLX90614 is an infrared temperature sensor that can measure the temperature of an object without making physical contact.

It communicates over the I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol, which requires two wires: SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line).

Connect the SDA pin of the MLX90614 to the SDA pin of the ESP32 (GPIO 21).

Connect the SCL pin of the MLX90614 to the SCL pin of the ESP32 (GPIO 22).

The sensor may also have VCC (power) and GND (ground) pins that need to be connected to the respective pins on the ESP32.

ESP32 Board:

The ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, making it suitable for various IoT applications.

It has multiple GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins that can be used for various purposes, including connecting sensors and actuators.

In this code, the ESP32 is used to read temperature data from the MLX90614 sensor and transmit it over LoRaWAN.

Brief Explanation:

MLX90614 Sensor:

The MLX90614 is an infrared temperature sensor developed by Melexis N.V. It uses infrared radiation emitted by objects to measure their temperature without making physical contact.

It has two sensors: one for measuring the temperature of the object (TOBJ1) and the other for measuring the ambient temperature (TAmbient).

The sensor communicates over the I2C protocol, which is widely used for connecting sensors and peripherals to microcontrollers like the ESP32.

The MLX90614 is widely used in applications such as non-contact temperature measurement, industrial temperature control, and automotive systems.


The ESP32 is a dual-core microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, making it popular for IoT projects and applications.

It has multiple GPIO pins that can be used for various purposes, including interfacing with sensors, driving actuators, and communicating with other devices.

The ESP32 can run Arduino code, making it easy for developers to program and develop projects using familiar Arduino IDE and libraries.

It is commonly used for home automation, smart devices, sensor networks, IoT gateways, and many other applications.

In summary, the code provided uses an ESP32 board to interface with the MLX90614 infrared temperature sensor using the I2C protocol. The ESP32 reads the body temperature from the MLX90614 sensor and sends the data over LoRaWAN to a network server. This setup enables wireless and long-range transmission of temperature data, making it suitable for remote sensing applications and IoT deployments.


#include <Wire.h>

#include <Adafruit_MLX90614.h>

Adafruit_MLX90614 mlx;

void setup() {



  mlx.begin(); // Initialize the MLX90614 sensor


void loop() {

  float ambientTemperature = mlx.readAmbientTempC();

  float objectTemperature = mlx.readObjectTempC();

  Serial.print("Ambient Temperature: ");


  Serial.println(" °C");

  Serial.print("Object Temperature: ");


  Serial.println(" °C");


  delay(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds before reading again


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