esp8266 a fatal error occurred: timed out waiting for packet content


esp8266 a fatal error occurred: timed out waiting for packet content

1. Open Arduino IDE
Go To File > Preference > Put following URL to "Additional Board Manager URL's"
Click OK.
2. Go To Tools > Board > Boards Manager > Search: Node
Click on "esp8266"
select version 2.3.0 > Click on Install
3. Go to Following Link and Install respective Drivers
4. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow
5. Restart Computer
6. Disconnect all connected Arduino Boards
7. Connect NodeMCU to Laptop through MicroUSB cable
8. Open Arduino IDE,
Go To Tools > select Board: "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)"
9. Go To File > Examples > ESP8266 > Blink
10. Upload the Code
11. Done. Blue LED should Blink on ModeMCU Board With delay of 1 Sec.
12. Now NodeMCU is configured with your Arduino IDE.


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