Python QR code embedded with images:
QR code is basically "quick response" which is also a 2D image and you can easily generate QR code images using Python's QR code.
$pip install qrcode
$pip install pillow
1. Translucent QR code embedded with Image
QR code can be directly pasted on the image and the QR code can be made translucent or the opacity of image can be reduced. Let's see an example with dog.png image.import qrcodefrom PIL import Imagefrom PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFilterdef water_mark(actual_img_path, dest_img_path, fill_color, back_color):qr_code = qrcode.QRCode(box_size=2)qr_code.add_data('')qr_code.make()qr_code_img = qr_code.make_image(fill_color=fill_color, back_color=back_color)qr_code_img.putalpha(128)actual_img = = actual_img.copy()insert_pos = (actual_img_copy.size[0] - qr_code_img.size[0], actual_img_copy.size[1] - qr_code_img.size[1])actual_img_copy.paste(qr_code_img, insert_pos, qr_code_img)'dog.png','result2ß.png','#000000','white')
2. Generating simple python QR code.
Here with is code you can generate simple QR code you can put any data in the qr.add_data("")
like link , text data or any other info to generate simple QR code.
import qrcodeimg = qrcode.make('test text')print(type(img))print(img.size)'test.png')
3. QR code embedded with Image
QR code embedded with Image the colour of the QR code can be change by
qr_code_img = qr_code.make_image(fill_color=fill_color, back_color=back_color)
import qrcodefrom PIL import Imageimg_actual ='dog.jpg')qr = qrcode.QRCode(box_size=2)qr.add_data('your data')qr.make()img_qr = qr.make_image()pos = (img_actual.size[0] - img_qr.size[0], img_actual.size[1] - img_qr.size[1])img_actual.paste(img_qr, pos)'result2.png')
So, here you can see the image embedded with the QR code